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Section of Soil and Crop Science

PLSCS 2600 Soil Science


Course Info



Code of Conduct


Introduction to Soil Science



Designed for students interested in a comprehensive introduction to Soil Science from both an environmental and management perspective. This course examines the dynamic relationship of soils with the environment and will place particular focus on both larger landscape and site specific implications of this relationship. The course is presented in three components.

Initial focus will be placed on characterization, morphology and genesis of soils. This component will examine the factors and processes that act to both create and distribute soil across the landscape. In addition this initial component will introduce concepts and methods of soil classification which will then be used to bridge our understanding of soils to soil management.

The subsequent unit will focus on practical application of soils information in management. This second component will address issues of agronomic and horticultural management, soil ecology, nutrient cycling and management as well as soil water dynamics.

Final attention will be placed on the increasing pressure of humans on soil resources. Particular attention will be placed on soil quality, world soil resources, carbon stock and soils of human origin.



Important Dates

Lecture begins on August 24th
Labs begin August 29th

Prelim 1 is on Sept. 28th
Prelim 2 is on November 2nd
Prelim 3 is on December 3rd

See more at Calendar>>


If you have any questions email me or the TA's.

Keep up to date with the classroom activities, readings, and online content. Review The 2018 Content Outline and Schedule.


Lecture write-ups are available to download and print in PDF format.

See more at Lecture>>


Laboratories write-ups are available to download and print in PDF format.

You are expected to wear appropriate clothes and footwear in the field and at the laboratory.

See more at Laboratory>>


PLSCS 2600 Soil Science