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Section of Soil and Crop Science

PLSCS 2600 Soil Science


Course Info



Code of Conduct


Course Information


About PLSCS 2600

Fall. 4 credits. S-U grades optional.
Lectures are on M, W & F starting at 9:05 am and Laboratories are on M, T or W at 1:25 pm

Designed for students interested in a comprehensive introduction to soil science from both an environmental and plant management perspective, this course is divided into three units. A unit on soil information introduces students to soil properties, characterization, mapping, classification, and land evaluation. A soil management unit addresses nutrient and water management, water, as well as management of soil biota and soil health. The unit on the role of soils in ecosystems considers topics such as soil erosion, nutrient leaching, soils as sinks and sources of greenhouse gases, and the impact of soils on land use. Labs will initially be field-oriented with an emphasis on learning practical skills needed to evaluate and manage soils. Subsequent labs will focus on accessing, interpreting, and applying soil information.

Course Objectives:

1) To provide a better appreciation of the distribution and variability of soils and their properties across the landscape,
2) a knowledge of how these properties are created and how they affect landscape processes (both at a large and small scale),
3) a preliminary ability to investigate soil characteristics and,
4) an understanding how we manage (or not) soils and their properties for a multitude of objectives.


Description: Brady Text

The Nature and Properties of Soils

(14th Edition)
by Nyle C. Brady and Ray R. Weil

There is a website associated with the text includes chapter review quizzes that you may find useful.


Lecture is 65%

Two Prelims (15% each)
Final Assessment (30%) - Prelim, Take Home & Practicum
Attendance and Participation (5%)

Laboratory is 35%

Reports (30%)
Quizes (5%)




Course Calendar

Take a look at the calendar here>>.



Jonathan Russell-Anelli
1002 Bradfield Hall

Graduate TA's:

Kavya Krishnan             1006 Bradfield Hall

Angela Possinger               918 Bradfield Hall

Teaching Support:

Kathy Howard
G19 Bradfield Hall


Lecture write-ups are available to download and print in PDF format.

See more at Lecture>>


Laboratories write-ups are available to download and print in PDF format.

You are expected to wear appropriate clothes and footwear in the field and at the laboratory.

See more at Laboratory>>


We have developed a number of flash modules that we will use during the semester. Take a look at them all HERE.


PLSCS 2600 Soil Science