Don't Start Me Talking... =============================================== .. image:: ./fotos/vbar/vbar4.jpg :width: 144 px :height: 400 px :alt: heated soil in Iceland :align: right | This website contains almost all of the work I've done in my teaching and research careers. I work in "spatial analysis" broadly defined, with a major interest in soil geography. I've written many tutorials and examples, almost all using the *R* programming language and software environment for data science. | 知无不言言无不尽!-- `D G Rossiter <./author.html>`__ .. topic:: `Publications `__ | Peer-reviewed and otherwise .. topic:: `Soil geography and land evaluation `__ | Mapping classification, land evaluation, simulation modelling .. topic:: `Tutorials `__ | Tutorials, mostly using R, some QGIS and GeoDa .. topic:: `Courses `__ | Cornell, ISRIC, 南京师范大学, University of Twente course materials .. topic:: `Research & Professional skills `__ | How to approach research, how to be a responsible scientist .. topic:: `Resources `_ | Not my material, but good background to understand my work .. This is the table of contents, must be here, but can be hidden so we can format how we like above. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 5 :hidden: pubs/index.rst soils/index.rst tutorials/index.rst teach/index.rst skills/index.rst ref/index.rst author.rst .. meta:: :description: D G Rossiter's professional page :keywords: R, soil geography, spatial analysis, research skills, geostatistics, digital soil mapping, R markdown, literate data analysis :google-site-verification: jgDZxW41tnWYfvqzxTHcbBmkI361S3scV9PWCOgzj9k :robots: index, follow .. google-site-verification for (Google Search Console) .. no index yet, would have to manually build no separate search page, we have a search box on each page Indices ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`search` Contact ================= * `Can’t find something you were looking for? `__ * `Suggestion for material to be added? `__ * `Other `__ `Don't start me talking, I'll tell *everything* I know... `__; `Lo zio acquatico N'ba N'ga! <./_static/files/pdf/Lozioacquatico.pdf>`__ .. image:: ./fotos/CALS_2line_4c.jpg :width: 410 px :height: 74 px :alt: College of Agriculture & Life Sciences :align: left "Lo Zio Acquatico (Aquatic Uncle)" logo by `Naomi Stockwell `__ Last modified |today|